Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Our Saving Grace

 I'm well aware our updates have been few and far between these days.  Truth be told, we're over here just surviving.  Since we decided to homeschool the boys this year my days are filled with teaching the boys in the morning and then still working part time from home the remainder of the day.  There is not a lot of down time.  It's simply going from one task to the next, day after day.  Constantly.  Most days I don't know up from down.  

One thing I do know, Sunny has been our saving grace during this strange time.  So many things have changed since March.  The boys switched from public school to homeschool, Charlie went from 3-4 days of therapy per week to 1 day.  Charlie's skills worker left and we are down to one main therapist for professional support, we have went from working on all the skills out in public to barely going in public at all, and now losing some skills with an increase in rigidity.  We went from doing amazing when we leave the house to having very little tolerance to anything outside of the house.   Tolerance to having mom away to little or no tolerance for mom to even go to the grocery store for an hour. Tough times. But one thing has remained constant: Sunny. 

Charlie and Sunny have had the opportunity to strengthen their bond since they are together 24/7.  Sunny goes to bed with Charlie at night and wakes up with him in the morning.  Sunny helps him stay calm and get through his school work each day and Charlie finds fun games to play with Sunny and we have seen Charlie's confidence in handling Sunny has grown.  There have been numerous times where I think the day is lost to meltdowns until Sunny completely turns it around.  I can't even express the magic this sweet girl works on Charlie.  


  1. We have gsds and they are wonderful dogs for almost anything you send them to do in life. Yeah for Sunny.
