Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Busy Season

 We've been a busy bunch over here lately.  So busy that I haven't had a moment for any new posts.  I thought with Fall would come a slower more relaxed schedule, but I was wrong.  Yes, we've had more weekends home since we are done camping for the year.  But that just means our weekend time is filled with other things like home projects, organizing, winter prep, meal planning, grocery shopping and billions of loads of laundry.  

We have found our weekends are busy with normal life happenings because we just don't have the time to do them during our busy weekdays.  When we decided to homeschool this year I knew our days would be filled, especially since I still need to work.  During the week my mornings start with work for a couple of hours at 6am with the remainder of the morning filled with school work with the boys.  This is time that is wholly devoted to them.  They get my undivided attention, as they should.  During this time with the boys my work computer is turned off, work phone muted and cell phone set to silent and put away out of sight.  Then comes lunch followed by an afternoon full of work from home.  This is time that I'm engaged with work tasks, meetings, client engagement, and paperwork while simultaneously juggling stuff going on with the boys.  They are old enough to entertain themselves for large periods of time, but occasionally they have questions or need help with something- like refereeing fights conflict resolution.  By the time evening rolls around it's dinner time with the boys and usually followed by games, free time or reading with them.  By the time they are in bed, Tyler and I are exhausted and ready for bed ourselves.  

Overall homeschooling is going well.  I think our good days have outweighed the challenging days.  The boys are usually pretty engaged in their lessons each day.  I've learned that all my boys are hands on learners and do best when they are seeing and doing.  They love science and are fascinated with history.  Math is their least favorite and while they like learning cursive they don't love taking the time to practice.  We all enjoy the routine we've created for ourselves, which is super important, especially to Charlie.  Our routine helps him to be comfortable with our day and helps him to know what to expect which in turn lessens anxiety and meltdowns.  Sunny plays an important part in our days at home.  She listens to reading lessons, lays on Charlie's lap for deep pressure when he's stressed during math, and is always willing to snuggle during quiet time.  

We also enjoy having flexibility in our days.  A few weeks ago, after one especially stressful day we took the time the following day to spend outside in the beautiful Fall weather hiking and exploring the woods.  One day last week we were glad to be able to take a break from school to help a neighbor rake and bag their leaves before the snow started falling.  These are both good examples of invaluable lessons that are just as important to learn as academics: take the time for self care and de-stress as well as serve others in need of help.  

With Covid restrictions we have very little else going on.  We don't have our usual church or school activities throughout the week.  But one thing we kept the same is Easton's hockey.  He wanted to play again this year and in trying to keep some normalcy in our life, decided to let him play.  Hockey started a few weeks ago and as of yesterday, Tyler was asked to be head coach of Easton's team.  So our seemingly slow winter just got a little busier with 3-5 nights of hockey, coaches meetings and games.  

We feel extremely blessed to be home with the boys right now and we know we made the right choice for our family by bringing them home for the school year.  

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