Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Mashed Potatoes

Brushing teeth has been an ongoing battle in our house.  Easton and Christian usually do pretty good with it, but Charlie wants nothing to do with it.  He hates the taste of any toothpaste (trust me, we've tried no less than 8 different types of toothpaste) and he doesn't like how the toothbrush feels on his teeth and gums.

Our most recent visit to the dentist was pretty eventful as well.  Everything went fine until Charlie witness Christian getting x-rays done on his teeth.  While Christian had no issue with it and showed no signs of trauma from it, Charlie was NOT going to do that.  When it came time for him to hop into the chair, he ran.  He ran out of the room, into the hall and hid behind some toy machines.  It took a lot of coaxing from mom to get him out from behind there and into the chair.  Sunny did a beautiful "lap" and laid half her body on his legs to help assure him he'd be ok.  Charlie was adamant that he was not going to have x-rays done and was NOT going to let the hygienist look inside his mouth, let alone let her clean his teeth!  Oh boy.  In the end, the dentist was able to clean a few teeth without toothpaste.  The dentist also suggested using a mild mouthwash with him if he was not willing to brush. 

So, that's what we've been doing the last couple months.  It's hit or miss if he'll actually use it.  A couple nights ago when we were getting ready for bed I was trying to convince Charlie to use the mouthwash.  Many times I have to do it with him to get him to participate.  I reminded him that he needs to take care of his teeth or they would all rot and he wouldn't have any teeth left.  Here's where the conversation went:

Charlie: I don't want my teeth to fall out!
Mom: Ok, then we need to do your mouthwash every day.  Let's get in there and do it before bed.
Charlie: Wait, if my teeth fall out, I'd just get fake teeth.
Mom: Probably not, fake teeth are expensive, I'm not sure we could afford them
Charlie: Ok, I'll just have no teeth.  What would I eat?
Mom:  You'd have to eat all soft food
Charlie: OH! So I could eat ice cream for every meal?
Mom: Nope, you'd have to eat mashed potatoes forever.
Charlie: (a look of astonishment on his face).  Fine.  Let's do the mouthwash.

He still hates it.  But it's better than nothing!

Sunny, on the other hand, has no trouble keeping her teeth nice and clean!

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