Saturday, February 12, 2022

Self Care

We've all heard the term self care and how important it is for each and every one of us.  There's thousands of books written on the topic of self care, but for some reason it's hard for some people to do.  As a parent of a special needs child it's so easy to put myself second, third, or most of the time, last.  Have you heard the phrase 'you can't pour from an empty cup'?  It's true.  If you have nothing left to give, how can you help those you care for?  

But, it's easier said than done, right?  For special needs parents there's a lot that goes into self care.  It's more than just finding what fills your cup.  Many times self care involves a lot of prep before you even get to do the self care part.  Finding appropriate child care, getting meals prepped, medications sorted, lack of sleep, or sometimes even prepping your child that you'll be gone.  These are just  a few reasons why self care for the special need parent goes to the way-side.  Sometimes it's more work prepping and doing the self care than it is to stick to your routine and go on with your day.  

But I beg the self care!

You need it. 

You deserve it.

Self care doesn't need to be taking a bubble bath or reading a book.  But it also can be if that's what you like!  Self care is going to look different for everyone.  If you don't like taking baths, that's probably not going to be at the top of your list of things to do to relax and unwind.  Find what fills your cup and then do it as often as you can. 

Maybe your self care is taking an uninterrupted shower or actually doing your hair.  Maybe self care is getting to sleep more than a few hours at a time or being able to drink a cup of coffee without it going cold.  Self care can be something as simple as painting your nails, reading a book, meditating or doing a puzzle.  Maybe it's enjoying a glass of wine or a cup of tea after the kids go to bed.  Self care can also be going out with a friend or family member for a couple hours, getting out of the house by yourself, buying yourself a cup of coffee you didn't make, going to get your hair cut, or for some people it can be going to the grocery store without a kid in tow.  My point is, self care looks different for everyone.  Don't worry if your self care doesn't look like everyone else's.  It's meant to fill YOUR cup, not your neighbors.   

What did I do for self care this week?  Last night I laid in bed while my husband folded a basket of laundry.  You might chuckle, but that is something really hard for me to do!  I'm usually the one finishing laundry in the late hours of the evening, not laying in bed letting someone else take care of it!  But it doesn't stop there.  This morning I coordinated child care so I could go get a massage and then after the massage I grabbed a cup of coffee BY MYSELF!

Self care doesn't need to be anything big or extravagant.  Or it can be if you want it to be.  Just know that sometimes the little things help fill your cup the most.  I know I'm not good at consistent self care yet I'm going to keep trying.  Why?  Because I deserve it.  And you do too.