Thursday, June 7, 2018

2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back

It's always amazing to me how quickly things change with Charlie.  Remember my last post?  There were so many small victories last week and now this week has been a total 180.  We've been expecting it though.  Knowing the last days of school are approaching, schedules changing, routines being disrupted...we knew things could get difficult.

A few things are changing and I'm sure that's not helping Charlie's anxiety.  On Monday the boys met their nanny for the Summer and spent a few hours with her at our house.  She'll do just fine, I know, but they tried to pull a few fast ones on her.  She'll be at home with them 3 days/week through the Summer, starting next week.

One of Charlie's therapists is going to be leaving soon.  This is one person Charlie has had as a constant over the last couple years and someone he really responds to.  Not having her in his normal routine throughout the week will make an impact on him.

He won't have the normal routine of going to school each day.  Adjusting to a new Summer schedule can be difficult, we've seen this in years past.  The same goes for the Fall when school starts back up again.

The last day of school is tomorrow and the routine at school has been totally turned upside down for the last week or two.  Mornings are usually tough for Charlie to get up and get out the door, but for some reason today was a thousand times worse than it normally is.  There was screaming, crying, toys and items thrown all around, hitting, kicking, scratching, more screaming and then barricaded himself in his bedroom.  I could see through the video camera in the bedroom that he was slowly calming down so I left him to himself for a few minutes while I got Easton and Christian ready for school and out the door.  This morning's events, unfortunately, mirrored last nights events where there was another massive meltdown that lasted well over an hour.  It took a lot of patience, skill, Sunny intervention, talking and reassuring before he finally came out of his room this morning and even considered going to school.  And then a lot more Sunny intervention before I could actually get him to school.....way late.

And now, this is where Sunny has planted herself.  She's out.  After a morning full of tough work, she's totally out.   Looks like a nice option!  Work hard, sleep hard.  I'm hopeful we'll have a good Summer, no matter how hard things are in the present time.

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