Friday, December 8, 2017

Bring on the Weekend

This week was one of THOSE weeks.  You know, one of those weeks where one minute things are fine and the next minute you wonder what the heck just happened?  Yep, we had one of them.

The week started out pretty well with a visit to Santa.  There was excitement, there was anticipation, there was fun and there were NO tears.  None.  We'll call that a win in our book.  All of the boys got a moment to talk with Santa, take pictures and joke around.  Sunny even got some love from Santa!  We were just about to grab our coats and leave when Santa got down on the floor to talk with Charlie and greet Sunny.  This is honestly the best Santa ever.  The boys have only ever gone to this Santa and even have pictures with him before they were born!

Santa writing down Easton's wish list before he was born

I know I have a picture of Santa doing the same thing while I was pregnant with the twins, but unfortunately cannot find that picture.  

Everyone is smiling!!

With permission, Santa got to greet Sunny and listen to her Christmas wish list

Kisses before leaving

Although Monday started great, the week had plenty of ups and downs.  Tuesday, something must have been in the air because there were no boys wearing their listening ears which made for a very frustrating night.  Wednesdays are always busy since it's church night and upon leaving church you could tell everyone was tired... especially Charlie.  

Sunny waiting for her boy to be done with large group at church

Well, Thursday arrives (very, very early I might add) with Charlie sick. Poor kiddo stayed home sick from school, got lots of mama snuggles and naps.  Now Friday, and it's been a long day.  Charlie had been feeling better all evening but seemed to think that since he didn't go to school yesterday that he didn't need to go....ever again.  To say our morning was a struggle is a huge understatement. Let's just say there were lots of Sunny snuggles throughout the evening tonight.

It has been so great to see how far Charlie and Sunny have come over the few short months we've had her.  I can't imagine how things will look when they have a rock solid bond.  When we first got Sunny she would only lay in bed with Charlie for a few minutes and would lay at the bottom of his bed.  Now, at bedtime, Sunny jumps into bed with Charlie and immediately lays right on him, without even being told what to do and will stay there with him for a few hours.  She has helped him countless times when we've been out in the community and definitely helps him when he's having meltdowns.  We have witnessed his meltdowns cut in half and have been less intense with Sunny around. He has even gotten to the point where he asks for her if he is feeling more anxious or having a hard time with something.  

Sunny, know that you are loved and very much appreciated.

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