Sunday, November 19, 2017

What Works

Over the years we have had to try a lot of different things to help Charlie and to help us.  And when I say a lot, I mean hundreds, if not thousands of ideas.  This could be things to help him regulate his emotions, help him sleep, help us sleep, ways to get him to eat, how to ride in a vehicle without going completely berserk, or even ways to get him to recognize other people's emotions.  Sounds like simple stuff, right?  Well....not to Charlie.  These are a handful of things he struggles with on a daily basis.

We use things like a weighted blanket, joint compressions, bear hugs, Wilbarger's brushing, and Charlie Burritos (rolling him tightly in a large blanket) for deep pressure activities that help him feel calm and whole.  We use things like Aaron's Thinking Putty, carrying heavy grocery bags, pushing the ottoman around the living room, and stretch bands, and we have a giant "crash pad" downstairs that he can jump and fall into to help with heavy work activities that can also be calming and help with strength and stabilization.

These things are all Proprioceptive activities.  Proprioception is the concept of knowing where your body is in space.  We have a bag swing mounted from our ceiling downstairs that he uses to calm himself as swinging motions help him to stay organized in his thinking and mood.  And we have plans to put in a climbing wall in our house as another way for him to stimulate his joints (like joint compressions).  But Shhhh....the climbing wall is a surprise!  Yes, our house will be the place to be!  But keep in mind these are all therapy items and are needed daily just to function.  And of course he now has Sunny, who has been such a blessing!

These are some things that work for us.  Something else we use on a daily basis are pure essential oils.  We have been using essential oils in our house for over 3 years now and there have been numerous oils that have been helpful, not only to Charlie, but to all of us for various reasons.  However, there has been one essential oil that has stood out among the crowd lately.  In September, I returned home with an oil our oil company just started carrying, Copaiba.  I started using this with Charlie right away and roll it on the back of his neck and down his spine 1-2 times a day.  

Copaiba works on the endocannibinoid system of the brain.  It's primary constituent, beta-caryophyllene, acts on the CB2 receptor which helps to reduce anxious feelings, reduce neuronal excitability and supports nervous and immune function (yep, totally went all science nerd there).  No, this oil is not CBD or THC oil, although it is a perfect alternative to those oils since Copaiba does not give the "high" that is experienced with those other oils, yet it offers the same benefits. 

Now, in Charlie's case, we have seen him so much calmer since starting Copaiba with him. He is much more regulated, doesn't have as severe of meltdowns as he normally does and his mood is much better as well.  Now, we've also had Sunny for about the same amount of time so I'm going to believe that both of these changes in our home have helped tremendously.  Charlie has even told me that this is his favorite oil and will remind me if we don't put it on right away in the morning.  I have a great post about this oil and Charlie on my Facebook Business Page if you'd like to check it out more.

Now, fingers crossed we can get through the holidays in one piece.  Travel, going to other people's houses, routine disrupted, big groups of's a recipe for disaster and is usually difficult.  But we have our tools and hopefully a plan!

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