Monday, September 25, 2017

How is Sunny?

Since we started our journey in May to have a service dog trained for Charlie we get constant requests for updates on Sunny.  We love it.  Usually conversations start with "how are the boys doing? How is Sunny?"  She has quickly become a beloved member of our family.  We started working with the trainer in May and boy was it a busy Summer!  We were very involved in Sunny's training and we are glad we were.  We feel it gave us a better understanding of Sunny, her personality and what works for her.

For the last (almost) 2 months we've had Sunny living with us full time.  It's definitely been an adjustment period for everyone, including Sunny.  But I think everyone is getting more comfortable with one another and she's fitting in quite well.

We want to thank everyone again for their support during our fundraising efforts this Summer.  As of this week, Sunny is paid for!  We absolutely couldn't have done this without all of your support and kindness.  THANK YOU!

We are finding that Sunny is a great help to Charlie already and we've only just begun.  She's not only helpful to Charlie, but Easton and Christian respond well to her too.  Sunny is always watching the boys and wants to be near them.  Christian was home sick today and he got some sweet attention from Sunny to help him feel better.

Easton has been trying to get into the new school year routine which also now includes homework.  Homework has been a slight struggle but seems to be a little easier when Sunny listens to him read.

The last couple months training has slowed down with the trainer, and has shifted more to training and fine tuning skills with us.  In a few weeks Tyler and I will take the Public Access Test with Sunny to show that we know how to handle Sunny in public and that Sunny has the skills to be in public without being a danger or nuisance to others.  We feel strongly that we will all do fine on this test so until then we keep practicing the skills required to pass the test. The picture below looks like pure torture.  Trust me, I feel bad having to do it, but it's a must in order to pass her test.  She must be able to hold a stay command when someone drops food on the floor or someone sets a plate of food in front of her.  Well....she does it beautifully.  We'll continue to practice this one.  No worries, she got lots of treats and attention after this wonderful display!

Each day Charlie and Sunny seem to have more and more of a connection.  We have been assured that this connection could take up to a year or year and a half.  We never expected an instant click between the two of them and it really wasn't instant.  It has taken time but their love for each other seems evident.  The picture below is Sunny helping to apply pressure to Charlie's entire body to help him calm and regulate.  

Charlie often asks for Sunny's help or to be with her.  In this last picture he asked to take a picture with Sunny to send to great grandma since she hasn't met her yet.  He is very proud to have Sunny and loves introducing people to her.  

We can't wait to see what the future holds.

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