Thursday, May 4, 2017

It's Official!

Yep, it's official!  We signed the contract to begin working with Mike Burkel from Walkn' Your Dog to have a service dog trained for Charlie.  We are so excited to have all the paperwork done so things can begin.  I can't believe it has been less than a month since I first heard about Mike and made contact with him. We are so fortunate that Mike is willing to take us on.

Signing the contract means we also made a downpayment tonight.  Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.  Your generosity enabled us to make the downpayment possible!  Sunny will officially begin her training next Tuesday May 9th.  Mike is hoping to bring Sunny over or meet us somewhere each week so Charlie and Sunny can spend time with one another. Estimated time line is 6-9 months before Sunny will complete her training and be ready to be Charlie's service dog.  The plan is to continue to make monthly payments to Mike with the goal to entirely pay the total by the time Sunny is ours.  We will plan to keep the online fundraiser open at this time in case anyone wishes to still donate.  Donations that come in from here on out will help us make our monthly payments.  So, again, thank you to everyone for your generosity and support.  Even by sharing our blog or our fundraiser page with people you know, you are supporting this endeavor!

Charlie was a little bummed that Sunny wasn't with Mike tonight.  Sunny was spayed last week and has been enjoying some downtime while she heals.  However, the boys were able to play with Tango, a 12 week old German Shepherd puppy that Mike has started working with for another client of his.  The boys had fun giving him lots of treats and running around with him.  Tango will surely be a big boy when he's grown, already weighing 28lbs (only 2 lbs lighter than Charlie!)!!  Until next week, this picture of Sunny and Charlie will have to hold you over.....

Such love!!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness!! This is SOOOO precious!! They will be best friends! Love it!

    1. Our hearts are so happy right now. Looking forward to see what wonderful things she can help Charlie with!
