Thursday, November 25, 2021

Something to be Thankful

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without an article on being thankful would it?  Right.  So here it goes....

It's true there's so much to be thankful for each and every day of the year.  But lately I've been thinking about how grateful I am for one specific and important person in my life.  My husband Tyler.  And if you think "oh great, here comes the sappy post", you are absolutely right.  It might.  The sap may drip a bit heavy here.  Bare with me. 

I'm not sure where I'd be without him in this crazy life.  Especially when life seems upside down and sideways.  He works incredibly hard to make sure his family is taken care of and he is quite the amazing dad to our boys.  

He's the builder, the fixer, the maker and master snuggler.  He's our adventure leader, creativity director, think-outside-of-the-box guy and makes us laugh every single day.

But even more importantly he stands right next to me through the good and bad, encourages me when I don't think I can take one more step and holds me up when I can't stand anymore. 

Life would certainly be less adventurous, not as funny and unbearable without him.   

Cheers to our crazy life, babe.  Thank you for being by my side throughout it all.  Love you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

All I want For Christmas

It's that time of year where family is hounding me for Christmas gift ideas.  There's a slight problem...

1- I don't have time to shop or pick things out for myself and 2- It's hard for me to come up with ideas.  I'm a pretty easy going person who doesn't need a lot.  Give me some wine and some Netflix binging without kids and I'm golden.  But then I got to thinking about it and there really are some things I would like.

A full night of sleep.  I'm pretty sure my body is incapable of ever sleeping a full night again.  After 10 years of not sleeping I think my body has just given up.  Well, hello 4am, I'm sorry but I think we need to stop seeing each other.  

A lifetime supply of coffee.  Need I say more?

A laundry attendant.  Why do we have so many clothes?!  I can't be the only one who has considered moving to a nudist colony.

A personal chef.  I don't know about you, but I'm so tired of cooking.  Everyday.  Multiple times a day.  I'm over it.  


A crystal ball.  I don't need to know everything that is going to happen in the future, but I would like to know when something completely unexpected is coming.  You know, the kind of things that come completely out of left field that throws you off your game?  Yeah, we've had our fair share over here.  The most recent one has me reeling, a little baffled and also wondering how next to put one foot in front of the other to keep going.  But I will.  Because that's life, right?  That's what we do.  There's no giving up.  No matter how exhausted we are, we keep going.  We keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

My list isn't terrible.  It's also not realistic, but one can dream.