Sunday, May 27, 2018

Finding that Balance

We are always aware of the need to spend separate time with each of our children- giving them that one on one time with mom or dad or both of us.  I think any parent of more than one child can agree it's sometimes difficult to find those one on one moments.  Granted, it gets more tricky with the more kids you have.  It's especially tricky when one of those children has needs that require so much of your time and energy just to stay regulated.  It's not fair to the other kids and we are very aware of this.  

Tyler and I are always looking for even the tiniest of moments to steal away with Easton and Christian- reading books together, working on various projects, going on a walk together, coloring with just mom or dad.  It's even better if we can steal away a few hours at a time!  One on one time during the week nights are really tough with our schedule so that's why long weekends like this one are great to sneak in a little date time with our other boys.  On Friday Easton got to go out with Tyler on his own, shopping at a man store and then out to dinner.  When they got back home they even had another hour or so to themselves to shoot bow and arrow while Charlie and Christian and I were out together.  These are all activities that we know fill Easton's cup and make him happy. 

Sunday was Christian's turn.  Christian got to head out with Tyler for a little bit on his own- running an errand and picking up a quick treat just the two of them.  Now, one thing to know about Christian is he is a total daddy's boy.  Any amount of time alone with dad and this boy is in heaven.  

Yes, that's a dried, dead fish....gross, I know.

When we can manage to do little dates with the boys like this it seems to put each boy into alignment and mellow them out.  The chaos is still there, but more mellow- hard to describe I guess. 

Big transitions coming up as the boys end their school year in 2 weeks and will then be home with a nanny 3 days/week.  Plus a packed summer schedule full of fun adventures.  More to come!!